DiscoverEZ CHINESE ON THE AIR | WENZAO Chinese Language Center 上雲端,學華語 | 文藻外語大學華語中心
EZ CHINESE ON THE AIR | WENZAO Chinese Language Center 
上雲端,學華語 | 文藻外語大學華語中心
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EZ CHINESE ON THE AIR | WENZAO Chinese Language Center 上雲端,學華語 | 文藻外語大學華語中心

Author: 文藻外語大學華語中心 WENZAO Chinese Language Center

Subscribed: 124Played: 3,696


EZ Chinese is a special series on Chinese to Go, which is jointly produced by the Chinese Language Centre of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages and Radio Taiwan International.


EZ Chinese es una serie especial sobre "Chinese to Go", producida conjuntamente por el Centro de Lengua China de la Universidad de Idiomas Extranjeros Wenzao y Radio Taiwán Internacional.

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52 Episodes
EP51: ¡Tantas preguntas! parte 2 de 2 📢 Achieve your Chinese goals with our Best Online Course in Wenzao! Get ready to begin your Taiwan adventure!👍 Sign up now: 📢 線上華語課程熱烈招生中!想把華語學好,先來報名文藻👍 立即加入: Stay in touch and keep up-to-date with all our latest news, events, and much more by following us on social media! Facebook @wzuclc Instagram @wenzaoclc Twitter @wzuclc YouTube @wzuclc LINE @wzuclc --- Support this podcast:
EP50: ¡Tantas preguntas! parte 1 de 2 📢 Achieve your Chinese goals with our Best Online Course in Wenzao! Get ready to begin your Taiwan adventure!👍 Sign up now: 📢 線上華語課程熱烈招生中!想把華語學好,先來報名文藻👍 立即加入: Stay in touch and keep up-to-date with all our latest news, events, and much more by following us on social media! Facebook @wzuclc Instagram @wenzaoclc Twitter @wzuclc YouTube @wzuclc LINE @wzuclc --- Support this podcast:
EP49: Uno tras otro. 📢Achieve your Chinese goals with our Best Online Course in Wenzao! Get ready to begin your Taiwan adventure!👍 Sign up now: 📢線上華語課程熱烈招生中! 想把華語學好,先來報名文藻👍 立即加入: Stay in touch and keep up-to-date with all our latest news, events, and much more by following us on social media! Facebook @wzuclc  Instagram @wenzaoclc  Twitter @wzuclc  YouTube @wzuclc LINE @wzuclc --- Support this podcast:
Where? 在哪裡?

Where? 在哪裡?


EP 48 - ¿Dónde? Stay in touch and keep up-to-date with all our latest news, events, and much more by following us on social medias! Facebook @wzuclc Instagram @wenzaoclc Twitter @wzuclc YouTube @wzuclc --- Support this podcast:
EP 47 - Fiesta de Cumpleaños Stay in touch and keep up-to-date with all our latest news, events and much more by following us on social medias! Facebook @wzuclc Instagram @wenzaoclc Twitter @wzuclc YouTube @wzuclc --- Support this podcast:
Review 複習篇

Review 複習篇


EP46 - Repaso Stay in touch and keep up-to-date with all our latest news, events and much more by following us on social medias! Facebook @wzuclc Instagram @wenzaoclc Twitter @wzuclc YouTube @wzuclc --- Support this podcast:
Practice 練習篇

Practice 練習篇


EP45 - Ejercicios Stay in touch and keep up-to-date with all our latest news, events and much more by following us on social medias!  Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Channel --- Support this podcast:
EP 44 - El rojo es un color afortunado --- Support this podcast:
Episode 43 - The more the cheaper  第43集 - 越多越便宜 Save up to 32% this Summer! Join our Chinese Programme and customize your own schedule for learning Chinese at Wenzao!  Check out now > --- Support this podcast:
EP42: ¡Simplemente hazlo! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!  Keep up to date with our latest episode! #LearnChinese #AprenderChino --- Support this podcast:
Hobbies 愛好

Hobbies 愛好


EP 41 - Aficiones 檢視文字檔 Read transcript: --- Support this podcast:
EP 40 - Ejercicios y Deportes 檢視文字檔 Read transcript: --- Support this podcast:
Review 綜合複習

Review 綜合複習


EP 39 - Repaso --- Support this podcast:
Good manners 禮貌

Good manners 禮貌


EP38 Buenos modales 老師,您覺得這個怎麼樣? Lǎoshī, nín juéde zhèige zěnmeyàng? Teacher, what do you think of this? 大八,你拿東西給老師,怎麼沒用雙手? Dàbā , nǐ ná dōngxi gěi lǎoshī, zěnme méi yòng shuāngshǒu? Daba, when you give something to the teacher, why aren’t you using both hands? 為什麼?那個東西不重啊? Wèishénme ? Nèige dōngxi búzhòng a ? Why?!? It’s not that heavy, is it? 不是重不重的問題,那是禮貌! Búshì zhòng búzhòngde wèntí, nà shì lǐmào! It isn’t about “heavy or not”, it’s a matter of courtesy! 嗯!怡兒很懂禮貌喔!是誰教你的? En! Yír hěn dǒng lǐmào o ¡ Shì shéi jiāo nǐ de? Hm! Yier really understands etiquette! Who taught you about that? 我的文化課。 Wǒde wénhuà kè. I learned about it in my Chinese culture class. 文化課很重要! Wénhuà kè hěn zhòngyào! The class on culture is quite important. 對師長,給或是收,都要用雙手。對其他人呢? Duì shīzhǎng, gěi huòshì shōu , dōu yào yòng shuāngshǒu. Duì qítā rén ne? So with teachers and the older generation, you use both hands to present or accept something. What about OTHER people? 如果也用雙手,那是好風度。老師,對嗎? Rúguǒ yě yòng shuāngshǒu, nàshì hǎo fēngdù. Lǎoshī, duì ma? If you still use both hands, it’s good manners. Teacher, is that right? 對極了!怡兒這麼懂事,難怪人人都喜歡她! Duì jíle! Yìr zhème dǒngshì, nánguài rénrén dōu xǐhuān tā! Absolutely! Yier really understands the ways of the world. No wonder everybody likes her! 咦?那是懂事還是懂禮貌? Yi? Nàshì dǒngshì háishì dǒng lǐmào? Huh? Is that “understanding the ways of the world” or “understanding etiquette”? 懂事的人,一定懂禮貌。見到師長要問好,到別人家當客人,帶一點小禮物。禮多人不怪嘛! Dóngshìde rén, yídìng dǒng lǐmào. Jiàndào shīzhǎng yào wènhǎo, dào biérén jiā dāng kèrén, dài yìdiǎn xiǎo lǐwù. Lǐ duō rén búguài ma! People who understand the ways of the world, of course also understand courtesy. When meeting teachers or members of the older generation, you must greet them. When visiting someone’s home, you must bring a small gift. Nobody would mind if you’re a little too polite! --- Support this podcast:
EP37 - Amigos de lejos (檢視文字檔 Read transcript) --- Support this podcast:
EP36 - Picar algo en los mercados nocturnos de Taiwán --- Support this podcast:
EP35 - Viajar por la isla --- Support this podcast:
EP34 - ¿Que ver en Taiwán? 文字檔 Dialogue :  --- Support this podcast:
Review 複習篇

Review 複習篇


EP 33 - Repaso Dialogue 文字檔: --- Support this podcast:
Practice 練習

Practice 練習


EP32 - Ejercicios Dialogue 文字檔:   --- Support this podcast: